Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Narrative Without Story

I was recently caught by a youtube comment that sent me on an angry rant to myself regarding the commentor's ignorance and inability to see reason. After calming down I decided some of the conclusions I came to reinformed my understanding of Story and Narrative in Video Games. I shall dispense my insights now.

"No, video games without stories do not deserve to exist anymore in this modern age of video games. A video game without a story being made now is like making a silent film from 1920 in the year 2010. It is just fucking outdated and shows insane laziness and overall not caring about the quality of their own products.
Nowadays, either make a story based game, or fucking leave the medium. Gameplay only games are doing nothng else but being damaging to the medium. Such as COD!"

It's funny he should mention silent films and a 1920s aesthetic  Because the most powerful exemplification of how wrong he is comes from a game that brings that style to a modern audience, and laziness is not the game maker's reason for that style -- quite the opposite.